If our building has already been constructed, is it too late now to go green?




building commissioning & audits completed.

It’s always a good time to move in the direction of sustainability – and yes, this is a journey you can begin at your facility even after it has been built. For your constructed spaces that have not taken green building norms into consideration, a green audit by Conserve – to examine your starting point and identify opportunities for improvement – is the right place to start.

Make the shift to green at your existing facilities

In our experience, businesses and organisations very often construct their facilities without taking sustainability into account, but gradually evolve to place a higher value on greener operations.

But their journey to sustainability often suffers from delays, or even gets placed on the backburner, simply because of constructions having already been completed without incorporating green approaches from Day 1.

We’re here to tell you it’s not too late! Through Conserve’s green audits and building commissioning services, we help you identify opportunities for improvement, and the path to more sustainable operations and even green certification for your existing buildings.

Commissioning & Audit
Services by Conserve

The best time to plan a green built environment is before you build it. The next best time is right now! We can help you with an audit of your facility to chart your path to certification and sustainability.

Resource Usage Analysis & Reduction

One of the most important ways to make an existing building more environmentally friendly is to analyse and reduce the resources it consumes during operation. This includes the usage of resources such as energy, water, and even materials used for renovations or upgrades. Conserve’s experts can help you identify areas of excessive or poorly optimised resource usage, where improvements can be made through retrofits, renovations or upgrades to drive operational efficiency and long-term sustainability.

Waste Minimisation Planning

The waste generated by a facility, and the management of this waste, play a key role in a building’s environmental footprint. Going green involves understanding the quantity and types of waste being generated, and identifying opportunities for waste reduction. Conserve can help you define waste management plans for the long term that will help you reduce waste generation and maximise reuse and recycling, supported by continuous monitoring and refinement of the process.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Improvement

Wellness of occupants is a major factor contributing to the overall sustainability of a building, and indoor air quality (IAQ) is a key parameter to measure a building’s performance from this perspective. An IAQ audit by Conserve takes an in-depth look at ventilation, moisture, humidity, pollutants, and even materials used in a space to recommend improvements that will contribute to overall occupant health and wellness.

Third party Performance Verification

WELL Performance Testing Organization (WELL PTO) is a leading provider of testing services for companies looking to assess employee performance and productivity. Conserve Consultants works with WELL PTO to help your organization gain valuable insights into how your staff are performing in their roles and identifying areas for improvement.

Awareness & Training Assessment

Running a building in an environmentally sustainable manner does not stop with the completion of construction – there is a huge role that facility management teams and occupants have to play. But for them to succeed at sustainable operations, training and awareness building are vital. Conserve can help you assess the existing levels of training and awareness among your stakeholders, zero in on areas that require attention, and help you develop and implement training programs for your teams.

Why Conserve Consultants


building commissioning & audits completed


buildings certified green


Looking to go green at an existing facility?

Talk to us today!