Case Study: ACG Associates Capsules


ACG Associated Capsules (ACG ACPL), a member of ACG Worldwide, is ranked amongst the largest producers of pharmaceutical empty hard gelatine capsules in the world.

ACG Associates Capsules - Sustainability Value Added


ACG Associated Capsules (ACG ACPL), a member of ACG Worldwide, is ranked amongst the largest producers of pharmaceutical empty hard gelatine capsules in the world.


Initially the project team decided to go for ordinary roof in main plant which has large area194,857ft2.Ordinary roof absorb smore heat,which results in increasing cooling load.Conserve’s challenge is to minimize the cooling load and energy cost.



Conserve facilitated a charrette to discuss high-performance roof with Albedo paint and reflectivity.

Conserve did analysis on various combination o froof with paint and its reflectivity by energy simulation software. Finally came up with best and efficient roof toachieve the maximum savings on energy cost.


Providing Albedo paint over the roof with an SRI of 108 and reflectivity of 85%, we can get Rs.3 Lakhs/Annum savings as compared to design without Albedo paint.

Cost Saving

₹ 3 Lakhs
per Annum


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